How's this for an incredible giveaway....The Secrets in the Sauce is have a giveaway for a Bedroom Bliss package. This wonderful package contains
*An amazing 500 thread count sheet set (You choose the size).
*A set of 2 Memory Foam Pillows. * Now that the foundation of the bedroom is set, you need the little extras:
Sheet spray, lotion and candles.
A set of wonderfully soft and luxurious spa towels.
$30 Gift Card to Target for anything we missed.
And, winner's blog will be our Friday Favorite the first Friday of March!
Can you believe this wonderful group of luxurious items can be yours for just an entry? Click on this link The Secret is in the Sauce and enter today! You too can have the gorgeous luxury boudoir of your dreams!
General Mills is taking you to the movies-Giveaway
12 years ago