After my divorce, it seems that a lot of our Christmas traditions went by the wayside, which makes me sad!! I was always the parent who made sure everything was perfect for my kids for the holidays--I did all the decorating, the gift buying and wrapping, the parties at school, etc etc etc...
Now that the kids are grown, a lot of those things no longer matter as much to them, but I miss doing them. One of my favorite traditions was Santa coming on Christmas Eve and bringing new pajamas to wear!!! I love this and think that even though the kids are 18 and 20 now, I am going to see that Santa drops them off some PJ's this year!! They always looked so cute and coordinated in the Christmas morning pictures...heck maybe Santa will even bring me and my dear boyfriend some too!!! Not everything should change just because the kids got older!! I am looking forward to a wonderful holiday season!!
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12 years ago